The Alhambra and the Generalife
Light on Paper

The Alhambra and The Generalife Council (Granada) has been collecting, restoring, studying and classifying a series of photographs taken by French photographer J. Laurent in the 19th century.

On the occasion of its exhibition, they wanted to publish two interactive pieces where they could consult, visualize, and collate the photographs, as well as locate them geographically and search them through an advanced search system.

Colorao programmed two interactive applications that allowed visualizing and locating photographs.
To access the data, several search systems were developed:

A complete list in which all the photographs appear in order.

A hierarchical maps system in which the user goes into the city of Granada and selects a place. Then only the photographs relating to it appear on the results screen.

A thematic search (decoration, popular types, architecture, etc).

An advanced search form that allows to specify all possible filters.

A chronological search through a timeline.

When selecting an image, a complete file is opened with all the data available in the Database: date, place, title, description, serial number, etc.

A ultra high resolution Gigapixel system allows to explore the photograph in detail.

The interactive apps were installed in kiosk touchscreens and they were shown in the exhibition at the Museum of the Alhambra.

Light on Paper
The Alhambra and the Generalife Museum
The Alhambra and the Generalife Museum
Granada (Spain)
· Artempus
· Programming
· Database conversion
· Graphics conversion